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HomeB2B Marketing11 Benefits of Lead Forensics' Software

11 Benefits of Lead Forensics’ Software

For Marketing

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5. Re-nurture leads

As mentioned, not all new leads will convert, and sometimes they may even drop out of the sales funnel. However, all is not lost, instead of treating the prospect as a potential lead and bombarding them with calls to see if ‘they’re still interested’, feedback to the marketing departments on what the prospect’s concerns/issues are. Your marketing teams can help to re-nurture these leads by creating highly targeted content.

6. Close the gap between sales and marketing

Above is a good example of how two seemingly interdependent teams, through communication, can better serve the business interests of your company. This will make your efforts far more effective. Avoid wastage and focus on quality – by working with each other you’ll be spending less time chasing the unknown and more time nurturing, re-nurturing and cross-selling to the more important prospects and clients.

7. Establish popular/unpopular pages

For any website it’s useful to know the most popular and least popular webpages. How many unique visitors and returning visitors have visited a particular page? How long do your visitors spend on each page, do they exit the site or visit another page? Knowing this information enables your marketing teams to tailor their content and digital efforts, and either further promote popular pages or try to raise more awareness of the pages with fewer visitors.

8. Improve the buying cycle

With IP tracking software you can identify the user’s journey. This means that from page to page you can track what they’re looking at and whether they are converting at the Contact Us page. If you identify pages with higher exit rates, it’s worth analyzing that page to see whether it needs to be optimized via information architecture or simply if more / less information is needed for the user’s benefit. It might be worth considering if additional pages are needed before accessing the Contact Us page, or conversely, if fewer pages are needed.

9. Target your marketing efforts

Work smarter, not harder. Instead of marketing to a huge audience of unknown web visitors, use IP tracking to target your efforts. As mentioned, you can see the best and worst performing pages, as well as specific pages that prospects are interested in. This should make your marketing campaigns more tailored to suit the needs of your visitors. Furthermore it’ll make your efforts far more scalable.

10. Attribute enquiries

In the digital space, it is sometimes difficult to attribute a sale to a specific marketing channel. There are ways to track this by all means, but let’s say that someone has enquired via social or a paid advert, but then left. However, if they come back to your site and enquire, without IP tracking it is difficult to attribute that inquiry to the correct marketing channel. This will give you more accurate insights into spend, ROI, and effectiveness.

11. In-depth website analytics

With detailed insights into site visits, referring sites, date and time of visit, location, page visit duration and so much more, you can enhance your digital marketing campaigns. Not only does this allow you to target your efforts, but you’ll also have data at your hands to prioritize and refine your strategy accordingly.



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