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HomeSales15 FAQs About AI Website Creation

15 FAQs About AI Website Creation

Today we are going to answer 15 frequently asked questions about AI website creation. 

We will start by discussing what you need to know about AI in general, then move on to what you need to know about AI website builders in particular and finally talk about AI sales funnel builders that you can use to launch your online business without a website.

You can either read this article in its entirety to get a comprehensive overview of this subject or use the table of contents to jump straight to the questions that interest you the most!

FAQ #1: What is AI?

“AI” is short for “Artificial Intelligence”.

“Artificial intelligence” is a term that refers to machine intelligence, primarily their ability to learn from previous experiences and solve novel problems that they haven’t encountered before.

If you are interested in the current state of artificial intelligence research and want to learn how to use AI tools to maximize your productivity, you might want to consider taking Google’s AI Essentials course.

This course is meant for beginners so it doesn’t require any prior experience. It’s 9 hours long but you can complete it at your own pace.

Productivity YouTuber Jeff Su made a 10-minute summary of this course:.

FAQ #2: What is the Difference Between Specialized Artificial Intelligence and General Artificial Intelligence?

The term “artificial intelligence” might invoke images of sentient machines from movies like “The Matrix”, “Ex Machina” and “Her”.

That type of machine intelligence that is either comparable to humans or surpasses us in terms of general intelligence is called “general artificial intelligence”.

At this point in time, general artificial intelligence only exists in science fiction, although some prominent AI researchers believe that we might see the dawn of it within the next decade.

Meanwhile, the type of machine intelligence that we have now is called “specialized artificial intelligence”: AI that can perform well in either a single skill or across a range of skills but is not comparable to humans in terms of general intelligence.

For example, AI chess apps have surpassed us in chess a long time ago, but despite being able to beat the best chess players in the world these apps cannot do anything outside of that domain.

The current AI craze is fuelled by large language model breakthroughs that led to the creation of apps like ChatGPT.

Unlike AI chess apps, large language models can perform well across an extremely broad range of skills, from writing poems to coming up with recipes to coding websites. 

However, they are still specialized and not comparable to humans in terms of general intelligence. 

The reason why understanding this distinction between general artificial intelligence and specialized artificial intelligence is so important is that you need to have realistic expectations when it comes to AI. 

AI software that we have right now can help you become more productive if you learn how to use it properly, but you need to remember that these apps aren’t sentient machines from the movies!

FAQ #3: What is Generative AI?

As Helen Toner explains in her article “What Are Generative AI, Large Language Models, and Foundation Models?”: generative AI is a type of AI whose primary purpose is to generate content. 

She contrasts generative AI to other types of AI that have different primary functions such as data classification, data grouping and choosing actions. 

Examples of generative AI include some of the most popular AI apps out there such as ChatGPT, Dall-E and Copilot.

AI website builders tend to be powered by generative AI technologies that they use to generate code for websites based on the information that the users provide. 

FAQ #4: What are Large Language Models?

In her article, Helen Toner also explains that large language models (LLMs) are AI systems that work with language. In other words, they are a type of generative AI that can generate text. 

The most popular LLM is undoubtedly Open AI’s ChatGPT but there’s also Anthropic’s Claude and Google’s Gemini. 

Then there are various open source LLMs such as Meta’s LLaMA, Google’s BERT and BigScience’s BLOOM. 

If you want to learn more about LLMs, consider watching this introductory lecture by the computer scientist and one of the founding members of OpenAI Andrej Karpathy:

FAQ #5: What are the Limitations of Large Language Models?

The main issue with large language models is that no one knows how they work. 

Basically, AI researchers feed data to large language models, and then large language models spit out data back in response to user queries.

While the researchers can see the data that comes in and the data that comes out, they cannot see what is happening inside these large language models. LLMs are black boxes. 

Consequently, since the researchers who are working on large language models don’t understand how they generate data, they cannot ensure its accuracy and solve the problem known as “hallucinations”.

“Hallucinations” is the LLM tendency to just make things up and then confidently state them as facts, like when ChatGPT made up at least six court cases that did not exist

Moreover, researchers also cannot ensure that their LLMs will behave well when interacting with users. For example, back in February 2024, ChatGPT started spouting gibberish out of the blue. 

Finally, researchers are also unable to put reliable guardrails in place, which makes LLMs easy to jailbreak. Say, one Twitter user managed to persuade a ChatGPT-powered Chevy dealership chatbot to sell him a car for $1

A Twitter post showing a customer chat where Chris Bakke claims to have bought a 2024 Chevy Tahoe for $1 due to a dealership's legally binding offer with "no takesies backsies" policy.

And just to be clear:

We are using ChatGPT examples because it’s the most popular LLM out there, but these problems aren’t specific to ChatGPT, they are inherent to all LLMs due to the inscrutability of these AI systems.

In short, LLMs are completely unreliable and that is unlikely to change anytime soon, so if you want to use them in your business, you need to keep that in mind and act accordingly:

  1. Have a web developer manually inspect the code of your website if you are using an LLM-powered website builder.
  2. Make sure that all content generated by LLMs – website copy, sales copy, blog articles, etc. –  is fact-checked and edited by a human with relevant domain expertise.
  3.  Do not use LLMs in any capacity that would involve unsupervised interactions with customers. Meaning, no LLM-powered chatbots of any kind!

Remember, while the idea of complete automation may be appealing, that is simply not possible at this point in time due to current LLM limitations.

We still need humans to supervise LLMs!

FAQ #6: What are AI Website Builders?

AI website builders are apps that use artificial intelligence to generate websites.

There are two types of AI website builders out there:

  • Established website builders that added AI-powered features to their existing software.
  • New website builders that were designed as AI website builders and have been using AI from day one. 

Also, remember how back in 2017-2018 software companies started slapping the term “blockchain” on everything, even stuff that was completely unrelated to the blockchain technology? Well, the same is happening now with AI.

So beware of the “AI website builder” companies that don’t use artificial intelligence at all, yet feature the term “AI” in their marketing materials in an attempt to capitalize on the current AI hype!

FAQ #7: How Do AI Website Builders Work?

It’s probably safe to say that the vast majority of AI website builders are powered by popular LLMs, primarily by ChatGPT.

You see, creating your own LLM is extremely expensive due to the amount of computational resources required. 

For example, according to Wired, ChatGPT-4 was likely trained using trillions of words of text and thousands upon thousands of powerful computer chips. It’s estimated that the process cost over $100 million.

Needless to say, most software companies don’t have that kind of money lying around, so the only way they can add AI capabilities to their products is to integrate existing LLMs!

FAQ #8: Do You Need to Know How to Code in Order to Create a Website With an AI Website Builder?

No, you don’t.

The whole point of website builders is to enable people who don’t have any web development skills to build websites.

However, as we advised previously, if you are using an AI website builder then you might want to hire a web developer to manually inspect the code of your website just in case. 

FAQ #9: What are the Advantages of Using an AI Website Builder Instead of a Regular Website Builder?

The main advantage of using an AI website builder instead of a regular website builder is the speed of development. 

In order to create the first draft of your website with regular website builders, you need to choose a template, add pages, customize those pages, etc.

Meanwhile, with AI website builders, you can simply provide a prompt that describes what you have in mind and the software will generate the first draft of your website for you. 

Moreover, while regular website builders usually only handle the design and development of your website, AI website builders typically also generate the copy for it.

This means that AI website builders can enable you to create and deploy websites much faster than you would with regular website builders. 

That makes AI website builders particularly appealing to entrepreneurs who want to be able to quickly test various business ideas and to agencies that regularly need to build websites for their clients.

FAQ #10: What are the Limitations of AI Website Builders?

Since AI website builders tend to be powered by LLMs, all of the previously discussed LLM limitations apply to them. 

Meaning, if you want to use an AI website builder to create your website, you should:

  • Hire a web developer to manually inspect your website’s code just in case.
  • Carefully edit, fact-check, and proofread all AI-generated text such as website copy.
  • Make sure that AI-generated branding elements, such as the company logo, aren’t copyrighted. 

Also, if the website builder allows you to add an AI chatbot to your website, don’t do it. Never let LLM-powered chatbots interact with your customers unsupervised!

Note that you can still use chatbots if you want to, just make sure to go with the regular ones that you can program with conditional “if/then” logic. This approach can help you reduce customer support workload without running the risks associated with LLMs! 

FAQ #11: How to Choose an AI Website Builder That’s Right for Your Business?

Here are some of the factors that you might want to consider when evaluating various AI website builders:

  • Is this an established software company? It’s probably better to go with a well-known website builder that’s been around for years rather than a ChatGPT wrapper that launched last Tuesday. 
  • What features does this website builder offer? All AI website builders have the same core functionality that allows you to generate websites with AI. But you want to look at what additional features each app offers, whether you can benefit from those features, and how those features would fit into your overall business workflow. Generally speaking, it’s best to get all the features that you need from as few apps as possible, ideally from a single platform. 
  • What integrations does this website builder offer? AI website builders can vary wildly in terms of integrations: some don’t provide any integrations at all while others are easy to integrate with dozens of apps. You should also pay attention to whether or not a particular website builder provides a Zapier integration. Ideally, you want to use an AI website builder that can be easily integrated into your business workflow. 
  • What pricing plans does this website builder offer? AI website builders also vary a lot in terms of pricing: typically, the more features a website builder offers, the more expensive it is. It’s important to consider how the price of a given website builder would fit into your overall software budget. 
  • How do you like the user interface of this website builder? This is especially important if you intend to create more than one website. Consider signing up for free trials of several website builders to see how they compare in terms of user interface. 
  • What do other people say about this website builder? We also recommend checking out user reviews on websites like Capterra, TrustRadius, and G2.  Don’t put too much faith in YouTube reviews because they tend to either be sponsored or feature affiliate links, which means that content creators often have a financial incentive to promote specific website builders. 

FAQ #12: What are AI Sales Funnel Builders?

AI sales funnel builders are apps that use artificial intelligence to generate sales funnels. 

There are two types of AI sales funnel builders:

  • Established marketing platforms that harnessed AI to enhance their existing funnel-building functionalities. 
  • New funnel builder apps that were designed as AI funnel builders and have been using AI from day one. 

Also, just like with AI website builders, you need to be wary of “AI sales funnel builders” that don’t use AI at all and are just capitalizing on the current AI hype!

FAQ #13: How Do AI Sales Funnel Builders Work?

It’s probably safe to say that most AI sales funnel builders out there are powered by popular LLMs, primarily by ChatGPT. 

That is especially likely to be the case when it comes to AI sales funnel builders that generate not just the sales funnel itself but also its copy, as that functionality requires using generative AI.

Consequently, since AI sales funnel builders tend to be powered by LLMs, you need to keep the previously discussed LLM limitations in mind when using them.

Most importantly, you want to edit, fact-check, and proofread all AI-generated sales copy! 

FAQ #14: What are the Advantages of Using an AI Sales Funnel Builder Instead of a Regular Sales Funnel Builder?

The main advantage of using an AI sales funnel builder instead of a regular sales funnel builder is the speed at which you can create your funnels.

For example, you can generate the first draft of your sales funnel in just 10-15 minutes with our ClickFunnels 2.0 AI sales funnel builder. That kind of speed is not possible with regular sales funnel builders!

FAQ #15: Should You Start by Building a Sales Funnel or by Building a Website?

It’s true that you need a website if you want your business to be taken seriously in 2024. 

However, before you start worrying about that, you should make sure that there’s a demand for your product or service to begin with!

And the fastest way to do that is to build a sales funnel and start driving traffic to it with paid ads. 

This will allow you to get market feedback, learn if your offer resonates with your target audience, and determine whether it’s worth pursuing this business idea. 

If it turns out that your dream customers aren’t interested in your offer, you can drop that idea, come up with something better, build a sales funnel for it, and see if there’s demand for your new offer. 

In all likelihood, you will probably have to repeat this process several times until you find a winning offer. That’s completely normal and to be expected!

Fortunately, with our ClickFunnels 2.0 AI sales funnel builder, you can whip up new sales funnels really fast. 

That makes it easy to experiment with various ideas, test different offers and learn from market feedback. Keep at it until you develop an irresistible offer that has a product-market fit.

Once you are sure that your dream customers want what you’re selling, you can use ClickFunnels 2.0 website builder to create a website for your company so that it would look like a legitimate business!

A screen displaying a welcome message from ClickFunnels and a prompt to start building a sales funnel, with dropdown menus for user role, business type, target audience, and objectives.

With our AI sales funnel builder you can generate the first draft of your sales funnel in just 10-15 minutes!

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Let’s be real:

We are biased in favor of our software. 

So we understand if you take what we say about it with a grain of salt.

Fortunately, we have a free 14-day trial, so you don’t have to take our word for it. 

You can go and see ClickFunnels 2.0 for yourself without any risk!

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