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HomeProduct ManagementApache Kafka: What Product Managers Need To Know | by Rohit Verma...

Apache Kafka: What Product Managers Need To Know | by Rohit Verma | Apr, 2024

Let’s delve into what Kafka is, its origin, why it is used, and why product managers should be well-acquainted with it.


Data is the new oil. We all have heard about it. Currently, data serves as the backbone of many industries, companies are relentlessly pursuing the power of data to fuel insights and innovation. Amid this quest, efficient data processing and real-time analytics have become non-negotiable. Enter Kafka — an open-source distributed event streaming platform that has emerged as a pivotal tool in this landscape.

In this article, we’ll delve into what Kafka is, its origin, why it is used, and why Product Managers should be well-acquainted with it. We’ll also explore the key questions Product Managers should ask developers about Kafka, its pros and cons, implementation considerations, and best practices, supplemented with practical examples.

Apache Kafka, initially developed by LinkedIn and later open-sourced as a part of the Apache Software Foundation, is a distributed event streaming platform. It is designed to handle high-throughput, fault-tolerant, and real-time data pipelines. At its core, Kafka provides a publish-subscribe messaging system, where producers publish messages to topics, and consumers subscribe to those topics to process messages in real-time.

Kafka was conceived by LinkedIn engineers in 2010 to address the challenges they faced in managing the massive amounts of data generated by the platform. The initial goal was to develop a distributed messaging system capable of handling billions of events per day in real-time. LinkedIn open-sourced Kafka in 2011, and it became an Apache project in 2012. Since then, Kafka has gained widespread adoption across various industries, including tech giants like Netflix, Uber, and Airbnb.

Kafka offers several key features and capabilities that make it indispensable in modern data architectures:

  1. Scalability: Kafka’s distributed architecture allows seamless horizontal scaling to accommodate growing data volumes and processing requirements.
  2. High Throughput: Kafka is optimized for high-throughput data ingestion and processing, making it suitable for real-time data streaming applications.
  3. Fault Tolerance: Kafka ensures data durability and fault tolerance by replicating data across multiple brokers in the cluster.
  4. Real-time Stream Processing: Kafka’s support for stream processing frameworks like Apache Flink and Apache Spark enables real-time analytics and complex event processing.
  5. Seamless Integration: Kafka integrates with various systems and tools, including databases, message queues, and data lakes, making it versatile for building diverse data pipelines.

The above flowchart is designed to assist users in selecting the appropriate Kafka API and options based on their specific requirements. Here’s a breakdown of the key components:

  1. Start: The flowchart begins with a decision point where users must choose between “Need to produce data?” or “Need to consume data?”. This initial choice determines the subsequent path.
  2. Produce Data Path:
  • If the user needs to produce data, they proceed to the “Producer” section.
  • Within the Producer section, there are further choices:
  • “High Throughput?”: If high throughput is a priority, the user can opt for the “Kafka Producer”.
  • “Exactly Once Semantics?”: If exactly-once semantics are crucial, the user can choose the “Transactional Producer”.
  • “Low Latency?”: For low latency, the “Kafka Streams” option is recommended.
  • “Other Requirements?”: If there are additional requirements, the user can explore the “Custom Producer” route.

3. Consume Data Path:

  • If the user needs to consume data, they proceed to the “Consumer” section.
  • Within the Consumer section, there are further choices:
  • “High Throughput?”: For high throughput, the “Kafka Consumer” is suitable.
  • “Exactly Once Semantics?”: If exactly-once semantics are essential, the user can choose the “Transactional Consumer”.
  • “Low Latency?”: For low latency, the “Kafka Streams” option is recommended.
  • “Other Requirements?”: If there are additional requirements, the user can explore the “Custom Consumer” route.

Product Managers play a crucial role in defining product requirements, prioritizing features, and ensuring alignment with business goals. In today’s data-driven landscape, understanding Kafka is essential for Product Managers for the following reasons:

  1. Enable Data-Driven Decision Making: Kafka facilitates real-time data processing and analytics, empowering Product Managers to make informed decisions based on up-to-date insights.
  2. Drive Product Innovation: By leveraging Kafka’s capabilities for real-time data streaming, Product Managers can explore innovative features and functionalities that enhance the product’s value proposition.
  3. Optimize Performance and Scalability: Product Managers need to ensure that the product can scale to meet growing user demands. Understanding Kafka’s scalability features enables them to design robust and scalable data pipelines.
  4. Enhance Cross-Team Collaboration: Product Managers often collaborate with engineering teams to implement new features and functionalities. Familiarity with Kafka enables more effective communication and collaboration with developers working on data-intensive projects.

When working on projects involving Kafka, Product Managers should ask developers the following key questions to ensure alignment and clarity:

  1. How is Kafka integrated into our architecture, and what are the primary use cases?
  2. What are the topics and partitions used in Kafka, and how are they organized?
  3. How do we ensure data reliability and fault tolerance in Kafka?
  4. What are the key performance metrics and monitoring tools used to track Kafka’s performance?
  5. How do we handle data schema evolution and compatibility in Kafka?
  6. What security measures are in place to protect data in Kafka clusters?
  7. How do we manage Kafka cluster configurations and upgrades?
  8. What are the disaster recovery and backup strategies for Kafka?


  1. Scalability: Kafka scales seamlessly to handle massive data volumes and processing requirements.
  2. High Throughput: Kafka is optimized for high-throughput data ingestion and processing.
  3. Fault Tolerance: Kafka ensures data durability and fault tolerance through data replication.
  4. Real-time Stream Processing: Kafka supports real-time stream processing for instant insights.
  5. Ecosystem Integration: Kafka integrates with various systems and tools, enhancing its versatility.


  1. Complexity: Setting up and managing Kafka clusters can be complex and resource-intensive.
  2. Learning Curve: Kafka has a steep learning curve, especially for users unfamiliar with distributed systems.
  3. Operational Overhead: Managing Kafka clusters requires ongoing maintenance and monitoring.
  4. Resource Consumption: Kafka clusters can consume significant resources, especially in high-throughput scenarios.
  5. Operational Challenges: Ensuring data consistency and managing configurations can pose operational challenges.

When implementing Kafka in a product or system, Product Managers should consider the following factors:

  1. Define Clear Use Cases: Clearly define the use cases and requirements for Kafka integration to ensure alignment with business goals.
  2. Plan for Scalability: Design Kafka clusters with scalability in mind to accommodate future growth and changing demands.
  3. Ensure Data Reliability: Implement replication and data retention policies to ensure data reliability and durability.
  4. Monitor Performance: Set up robust monitoring and alerting mechanisms to track Kafka’s performance and detect issues proactively.
  5. Security and Compliance: Implement security measures and access controls to protect data privacy and comply with regulatory requirements.
  6. Disaster Recovery Planning: Develop comprehensive disaster recovery plans to minimize downtime and data loss in case of failures.
  7. Training and Knowledge Transfer: Provide training and resources to empower teams with the knowledge and skills required to work with Kafka effectively.
  1. Use Topic Partitions Wisely: Distribute data evenly across partitions to achieve optimal performance and scalability.
  2. Optimize Producer and Consumer Configurations: Tune producer and consumer configurations for better throughput and latency.
  3. Monitor Cluster Health: Monitor Kafka cluster health and performance metrics to identify bottlenecks and optimize resource utilization.
  4. Implement Data Retention Policies: Define data retention policies to manage storage costs and ensure compliance with data retention requirements.
  5. Leverage Schema Registry: Use a schema registry to manage data schemas and ensure compatibility between producers and consumers.
  6. Implement Security Best Practices: Follow security best practices such as encryption, authentication, and authorization to protect Kafka clusters and data.
  7. Regular Maintenance and Upgrades: Perform regular maintenance tasks such as software upgrades and hardware replacements to keep Kafka clusters healthy and up-to-date.
  1. Real-time Analytics: A Product Manager working on a marketing analytics platform integrates Kafka to stream real-time user engagement data for instant insights and personalized recommendations.
  2. IoT Data Processing: In an IoT application, Kafka is used to ingest and process sensor data from connected devices, enabling real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance.
  3. Financial Transactions: A banking application utilizes Kafka to process high-volume financial transactions in real-time, ensuring low latency and data consistency.

Apache Kafka has emerged as a cornerstone technology for building scalable, real-time data pipelines in modern enterprises. Product Managers play a pivotal role in leveraging Kafka’s capabilities to drive innovation, optimize performance, and enable data-driven decision-making.

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