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HomeMobile MarketingDecoding CDP Vendor Claims: What You Need To Know

Decoding CDP Vendor Claims: What You Need To Know

Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) have emerged as powerful tools for businesses to understand their customers better and drive personalized experiences. However, amidst the promises and buzzwords, lies and misconceptions often lurk. Let’s explore what you need to know about CDP vendors and why CDP projects often fall short. 

Claim 1: Complete User Interaction Capture

One common myth that CDP vendors perpetuate is the notion of complete user interaction capture. CDPs fall short when it comes to capturing long-term user behavior.  

Because most CDPs rely on tagging, you likely suffer from data inaccuracy because you rely on custom tagging with no data signals and out-of-the-box data models. The data isn’t collected when something goes wrong or a change has been made. And if someone didn’t think to tag for it, there’s no chance of getting that data.  

Instead, focus on creating data structures that seamlessly collect and connect user interactions over an infinite period. A solution like this enables you to capture, store, and persist a user’s preferences as part of the profile.  

Claim 2: Real-Time Data Availability

Another area where CDP vendors tend to stretch the truth is in data availability timeframes. Many claim to offer real-time data processing with lightning-fast speeds. However, the reality is very different. 

Data that is actually captured and connected in real-time is critical so brands can interact with their customers immediately. This near-instant access ensures brands are equipped with the most up-to-date information to drive meaningful actions.  

To be successful, you need to have data available in the right format at the right time, all the time. CDP projects struggle to meet the time and availability thresholds brands need to utilize their data, resulting in lost opportunities and revenue.     

Claim 3: Value Realization

CDP vendors often make shiny claims about their platform’s value, especially regarding tracking identity. The truth is that these vendors lack visibility and have limited ways to track the user journey effectively, which widens the digital identity gap and results in poor data quality.  

CDPs also struggle with identity issues caused by cookie deprecation and browser inhibitors that restrict their cookie life, resulting in broken journeys, gap-filled profiles, and inaccurate attribution.  

Claim 4: Integration Capabilities

Data connectivity is crucial to any CDP solution, yet CDP vendors make exaggerated claims about their integration capabilities

The truth is that CDP projects lack any structure that makes data usable. This lack of a structured data model makes it more difficult to power seamless integrations and adapt to diverse systems.  

While many vendors boast robust security measures, the gaps between claims and reality are significant.

These systems experience a loss of ownership and control over their data, not to mention compliance challenges and PII risks within system integrations.  

Data solutions must be 100% fully compliant and adhere to the highest privacy and security standards without reliance on third-party (

3p) cookies. 

Now that you’re aware of CDPs’ failed promises, perhaps it’s time to consider a solution that embraces transparency, reliability, and performance.  


Better data is complete data that does not require building custom code or relying on tagging to try to capture it. 

  • It’s data that solves for digital identity and can persist that identity in a true patented fashion across your channels.  
  • It’s a profile capability that ensures you can record all interactions and finally solve the elusive problem of a single customer view across all channels and devices. 
  • It’s data available immediately in the format you need, so you can focus on using data instead of worrying about capturing it.  
  • It’s data that complies with all local regulations and provides comfort that you can actually use the data without violating consumer trust. 

Improving your customer relationship with better data requires more than a traditional CDP can typically offer. Don’t waste any more time and money on ineffective CDPs; look toward a solution that can help you stay on track. The Celebrus solution suite offers a comprehensive approach to real-time, first-party data capture, contextualization, and activation. 

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