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HomeEmail MarketingAn evolution for real-time content creation — Stripo.email

An evolution for real-time content creation — Stripo.email

There’s a lot of hype surrounding GenAI’s ability to consistently generate content that is both creative and reliable, but I believe that GenAI is not a replacement for human creativity and expertise. Instead, it should be viewed as a powerful tool that can augment and enhance our capabilities.

Dmytro Kudrenko

Dmytro Kudrenko,

CEO of Stripo.

The email marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and the need for efficiency and innovation has never been greater. Enter Generative AI (GenAI), a transformative technology poised to revolutionize the way we create and deliver impactful email campaigns.

GenAI goes beyond automating mundane tasks. It possesses the potential to become a creative partner, generating content that resonates with your audience and drives engagement. Here at Stripo, we envision a future where AI seamlessly integrates into the email marketing process, enabling us to craft captivating emails in a fraction of the time.

However, GenAI solutions are still under development. While the potential is undeniable, there’s a healthy dose of skepticism surrounding its ability to consistently generate content that is both creative and reliable. This is where Stripo steps in. We’ve developed a comprehensive framework for delegating tasks to GenAI, ensuring a level of trust and control that empowers you to harness the full potential of this revolutionary technology.

This framework hinges on the concept of delegation levels, allowing you to tailor GenAI’s involvement based on the specific task at hand. In the upcoming sections, we’ll delve deeper into these levels, exploring scenarios where GenAI shines as an assistant, executor, or even an independent email generation powerhouse. But before we do, let us share what we got as a final result for now… 

AI Assistant: Create email messages with GenAI

Current state of GenAI for email: Promise and potential pitfalls

The emergence of GenAI in email marketing is undoubtedly exciting. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that this technology is still in its early stages. While some solutions offer a glimpse of the future, there are limitations to consider:

  • inconsistent creativity: Current GenAI tools can struggle to produce consistently creative and engaging content. While they can generate variations of existing copy or mimic a particular style, they may lack the human touch necessary to truly captivate audiences;
  • accuracy and reliability concerns: There’s a degree of uncertainty surrounding the accuracy and reliability of AI-generated content. Factual errors or inconsistencies can damage brand reputation and undermine trust with customers;
  • limited control and transparency: Many GenAI solutions offer limited control over the generation process. This lack of transparency can make it difficult to ensure brand alignment and achieve the desired creative direction.

The need for a trusted approach

These limitations highlight the need for a more reliable and trustworthy approach to GenAI-powered email creation. We need solutions that not only generate creative content but also prioritize accuracy and offer a level of control that empowers marketers to achieve their unique goals.

By addressing these challenges, GenAI can evolve from a novelty to a powerful tool that empowers email marketers to create exceptional campaigns with confidence.

A framework for trusted real-time email generation: Delegation levels for success

We want to develop a comprehensive framework for delegating tasks to GenAI, ensuring a level of trust and control that empowers you to harness the full potential of this revolutionary technology.

Dmytro Kudrenko

Dmytro Kudrenko,

CEO of Stripo.

The key to unlocking the true potential of GenAI in email marketing lies in a structured approach. This framework revolves around the concept of delegation levels, empowering you to determine the most effective way to involve GenAI in each task. Let’s explore these four levels:

  1. None: In this scenario, GenAI takes a backseat. Tasks are handled entirely by human creativity and expertise. This might be suitable for highly strategic aspects of email campaigns or content requiring exceptional nuance and brand voice.
  2. Assistant: Here, GenAI acts as a supportive partner. It can assist with tasks like brainstorming ideas, suggesting copy variations, or correcting factual errors. This level is ideal for leveraging GenAI’s creative spark while maintaining human control over the final output.
  3. Executor: GenAI takes the reins, generating the email content based on your instructions. You then review and refine the output before sending it. This level is advantageous for repetitive tasks or when you need a quick draft to get started.
  4. Full GenAI Control: This is the most advanced level, where GenAI independently generates and sends email campaigns. However, this approach is currently not recommended for widespread use due to the limitations discussed earlier.

Understanding task frequency and risk

Choosing the appropriate delegation level hinges on two crucial factors: task frequency and risk:

  • task frequency: For frequently recurring tasks, such as generating welcome emails or promotional offers, delegating to GenAI as an executor can save significant time;
  • risk: Tasks with high-risk factors, such as legal disclaimers or highly sensitive content, might be best suited for a lower delegation level with greater human oversight.

By carefully considering these factors and employing the appropriate delegation level, you can leverage GenAI’s strengths while mitigating potential risks. This approach paves the way for a future of trusted real-time email generation.

Key tasks for GenAI in email production: Unleashing its power

GenAI goes beyond automating mundane tasks. It possesses the potential to become a creative partner, generating content that resonates with your audience and drives engagement.

Dmytro Kudrenko

Dmytro Kudrenko,

CEO of Stripo.

GenAI’s versatility extends across a wide range of email production tasks, offering valuable assistance to marketers. Let’s delve into some key areas where GenAI can shine:

  • strategy: GenAI can analyze data, identify audience segments, and develop effective email strategies, laying the foundation for successful campaigns;
  • copywriting: GenAI can craft compelling email copy, capturing the right tone and style for your target audience. It can generate variations, adapt to different personas, and even experiment with creative language;
  • image design: GenAI can create visually appealing and engaging images for your emails, ensuring that your content stands out in crowded inboxes. It can generate images based on your descriptions or even match your existing brand style;
  • translations: GenAI can seamlessly translate email campaigns into multiple languages, expanding your reach and connecting with global audiences;
  • general design: GenAI can assist in designing email templates that align with your brand identity and overall campaign aesthetic. It can suggest layouts, color schemes, and typography choices.

Code generation with caution

While GenAI holds promise in code generation, it’s important to exercise caution. Email code involves technical intricacies and potential compatibility issues. Human oversight is crucial to ensure code generated by GenAI is error-free, functional, and optimized for different email clients.

The role of data in GenAI-powered email creation: Fueling success

GenAI is a powerful engine, but just like any engine, it needs the right fuel to function effectively. In the context of email marketing, that fuel is rich data. The more data you provide, the better GenAI will understand your audience, your brand, and your campaign goals. This translates to email content that’s more relevant, engaging, and, ultimately, more successful.

There are three key components that play a crucial role in GenAI-powered email creation:

  • context: This encompasses information about your company, your target audience, your brand voice, the language you use, and any other relevant details that paint a complete picture. Providing rich context allows GenAI to tailor the content to your specific brand identity and resonate with your audience on a deeper level;
  • prompt: Think of the prompt as your specific instructions to GenAI. This could be a detailed description of the email’s purpose, the desired tone and style, or even specific keywords you want GenAI to incorporate. The clearer and more detailed your prompt is, the more accurate and effective GenAI’s output will be;
  • design: This refers to the pre-existing design elements you want to utilize in your email, such as templates, modules, and brand assets. Feeding GenAI with your design preferences ensures a cohesive look and feel that aligns with your overall brand aesthetic.

The power of reusable data

The beauty of data in GenAI-powered email creation lies in its reusability. As you provide data for different campaigns, GenAI learns and adapts. This accumulated knowledge allows it to become more efficient and effective over time. Additionally, you can create a library of reusable data components – pre-defined contexts, prompts, and design elements – that can be easily accessed and applied to future campaigns, saving you valuable time and effort.

The email creation process with GenAI: A streamlined workflow

GenAI offers a streamlined approach to email creation, allowing you to craft compelling content in a fraction of the time. Here’s a breakdown of the key steps involved:

  1. Share company data: This is the foundation for successful GenAI-powered email creation. Compile relevant information such as your company background, target audience demographics, brand voice guidelines, and any other details that paint a clear picture of your brand identity.
  2. Define the email prompt and brief: This acts as your roadmap for GenAI. Clearly define the purpose of the email, the desired tone and style, and the specific call to action. Consider including keywords you want GenAI to incorporate, or provide references to existing email campaigns that reflect your desired style. The more detailed your brief is, the better GenAI will understand your goals.
  3. Utilize GenAI to generate the email content: Based on the data and instructions provided, GenAI will generate email content. Depending on your chosen delegation level (discussed earlier), GenAI might provide initial copy suggestions, draft the entire email, or even personalize it for different audience segments.
  4. Review and refine the generated email: Don’t underestimate the power of human oversight! Carefully review the email content generated by GenAI. Make any necessary edits, refine the copy for clarity and engagement, and ensure all visual elements align with your brand guidelines.
  5. Approve and send the final email: Once you’re satisfied with the email, it’s time to hit send! Track the performance of your campaign and analyze results to further optimize your GenAI-powered email creation process.

Wrapping up

The future of email marketing is bright, and GenAI is poised to play a pivotal role. By embracing this innovative technology, we can unlock a world of possibilities: streamlined production, enhanced creativity, and real-time content generation that fosters deeper customer connections.

At Stripo, we envision a future where AI becomes a trusted partner, seamlessly integrated into the email creation process. With the right framework and approach, GenAI can empower us to craft exceptional email campaigns with confidence and efficiency.

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the exciting world of GenAI-powered email marketing, exploring cutting-edge advancements and practical applications.

Generate emails with Stripo



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