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HomeEmail MarketingCrafting compelling sales emails that convert —

Crafting compelling sales emails that convert —

Many deals and cooperation agreements begin with sales emails. These targeted messages inform, engage, and convert recipients into customers. But only about 9% of sales emails are opened. So, how do you make sure your emails are opened and read?

This article offers practical tips for creating sales emails that spark interest and drive conversions. By focusing on design elements, accessibility, mobile responsiveness, and persuasive content, marketers can craft compelling emails that achieve great results. Let’s look at each point in detail.


Legal requirements for email outreach


  1. Send only solicited emails:

    • to individuals who provided their email addresses when you met at an event;
    • if the company’s website lists the contact information of the person you are writing to;
    • to addresses that are publicly available on recipients’ LinkedIn profiles.


  1. Don’t search for people’s addresses through dubious websites or via search engines in general.
  2. Don’t buy a database of contacts, as this violates people’s data privacy rights.

In summary, always make sure your email recipients have consented to being contacted.

Key elements of sales emails

When creating sales emails, a few key points must be kept in mind:

  1. Introduce yourself: Begin by introducing yourself, including your name and relevant role or title. This sets the stage for a personal connection and establishes your credibility.
  2. Explain how you know the recipient or where you got their email address from: Mention the context, such as meeting at an event, a mutual acquaintance, or how they provided their contact information. This builds trust and establishes relevance.
  3. Explain why you’re reaching out: Clearly state the reason for your email. Be succinct and direct, ensuring that the recipient understands the main point quickly.
  4. Share the benefits of collaborating with you/using your product: Emphasize what the recipient stands to gain from responding to your email. Whether it’s a proposal, an offer, or valuable information, make sure to clarify the benefits. This makes your email campaign more impactful.
  5. Explain the next steps the email recipient can take, like booking a demo or learning more about the benefits of your offer: Provide a link or instructions on how the recipient can arrange a meeting with you. This could be a link to your calendar or specific instructions to set up a call or meeting.
  6. Include your personal photo, position, company name, and contact information: Include your contact information and a photo, if appropriate. This adds a personal touch and makes it easier for the recipient to reach out to you.
  7. Social proof and testimonials: Incorporate social proof and testimonials to enhance your credibility and persuade potential customers. While all the above points are mandatory, this one is optional.

Let’s also look at some practical examples of sales emails.

Example 1: Cold email

Subject line: Elevate Your Sales with Persuasive Email Content!

Hi [Recipient’s First Name],

Are you looking to take your email marketing to the next level? I’m [Your Name] from [Your Company], and we’re here to help you craft emails that convert.

Headline: Persuasive Content that Drives Sales

Creating emails that capture attention and motivate action is both an art and a science. At [Your Company], we excel at writing persuasive content that resonates with audiences and drives results.

What we offer:

  1. Attention-grabbing subject lines: Get your emails noticed and opened with our expert-crafted subject lines.
  2. Engaging structure: Our emails are designed with a clear structure featuring strong headlines, engaging body content, and compelling CTAs.
  3. Concise copy: We deliver your message in a clear and succinct manner, focusing on the benefits and value for your audience.
  4. Personalization: Each email is tailored to the recipient to make it more relevant and impactful.

Call-to-action: Let’s discuss how we can boost your email marketing success. Book a free strategy session here. [Add URL]

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Warm regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Company Website]

Cold sales email template

(Source: Stripo template)

Example 2: Follow-up sales email

Subject line: Need Any Help in Making Your Decision?

Hi [First Name],

We recently emailed you about [Topic/Product/Service], but we haven’t heard back from you yet. We understand that life can get busy, so we wanted to follow up and see if there is anything we can assist you with.

Here are a few reasons why you might be interested in [Topic/Product/Service]:

[Highlight key benefits or features]

If you have any questions or need more information, we’re here to help! Feel free to reply to this email, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Special offer just for you: To show our appreciation, we’re offering you an exclusive [Discount/Offer/Bonus]. Use code [CODE] at checkout to enjoy your special offer.

Need assistance? Our customer support team is always ready to help. You can reach us at [Support Email/Phone Number].

We value your input: Your feedback is important to us. If there is anything specific you’re looking for or if you have any suggestions, please let us know.

Thank you for your interest in [Your Company]. We hope to connect with you soon!

P.S. This offer is valid until [Expiration Date], so don’t miss out!

Footer: [Company Name]

[Company Address]

[Phone Number]

[Email Address]

[Website URL]

Unsubscribe link: If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can [unsubscribe here].

Social media links: [Icons and links to your company’s social media profiles]

No response sales email design

(Source: Stripo template)

Strategies to increase sales email open rates

To increase sales email open rates, consider these strategies:

  1. Optimize subject lines: Be specific about the purpose of your message and what exactly a person will get from using your product.

    The subject line should include:

    • a brief summary of your proposal;
    • the name of the company;
    • the purpose of the email.

  2. Create preheader text: To maximize the impact of your email, craft compelling preheader text that not only complements your subject line but also offers intriguing details or a hint of what’s inside, enticing recipients to open the email and explore.
  3. Choose the right timing: Business representatives or investors should definitely be contacted on weekdays during business hours. The simple matter of choosing the right time can greatly improve your email marketing campaign.
  4. Initiate follow-up: Consistent follow-up emails are crucial for encouraging engagement with your initial message. Keep your follow-ups polite, concise, and valuable, and limit them to no more than two.

By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your email marketing efforts and achieve higher open rates across various email clients.

Techniques for enhancing click-through rates for sales emails

To enhance click-through rates for sale emails, try these techniques:

  1. Effective CTAs: The button displaying the action should be simple and clear.

    • there should be only one CTA;
    • you should explain where the link in the button leads to;
    • explain why this action is required and what a person gets from doing it (like booking a demo).

  2. Images and visuals: Use informative images and visuals in your sales email templates that highlight your product, demonstrate its functionality, or showcase how it has improved someone’s performance.
  3. Usability: It’s helpful to add handy features, such as a link to your calendar allowing recipients to easily book a meeting at a convenient time. Explain that they need to follow the link to select an available time slot. Alternatively, embedding interactive calendars directly in your sales emails lets recipients book meetings without leaving the email, saving them time and increasing your conversion rate.
  4. Clear and concise messaging: Ensure that your sales email template communicates the message plainly and succinctly to keep the reader engaged.
  5. Personalization and AI-driven content: The importance of personalization is growing, and AI-driven content can produce highly tailored sales emails. According to the latest data, marketers who use AI to personalize emails and create subject lines increase revenue by 41%, CTR by 13.44%, and open rates by 5–10%.
  6. A/B testing: Experiment with different elements, such as subject lines, images, and CTAs, to see what resonates most with your audience.

By applying these techniques, you can improve the performance of your email campaign and increase click-through rates.

Wrapping up

Crafting compelling sales emails involves focusing on visual design, accessibility, mobile responsiveness, and persuasive content. In this article, we explored the importance of personalized messages, optimized headlines, and effective calls to action. We also covered trends, such as interactive content and AI-powered personalization for emails. With this knowledge, you can now build your own effective sales emails with Stripo’s editor.

Craft compelling sales emails with Stripo



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