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Cutting Through The Ad Clutter: Permissioned Data Is The Goldmine For Reaching Gen Z

In this digital age, the marketing landscape is a battlefield. Brands constantly bombard consumers with ads on any platform they are active on, leading to a phenomenon known as digital overload. Gen Z, the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, is particularly resistant to traditional advertising. 

Permissioned Data

Permissioned data is, by definition, personal information that third parties can access with the consumer’s consent. Those third parties are the brands advertising to their audience, and they get access via different advertising channels.

Why Permissioned Data Matters?

Permissioned data allows brands to go around Gen Z users who are over the ads, building trust and gaining valuable insights. The biggest challenge is that Gen Z is complex and knows its way around the internet, and 65% of them use Ad Blockers, making display ads almost ineffective. Another factor is that they have wildly short attention spans, meaning your ad needs to be impactful in 1-2 seconds.

Studies show Gen Z’s average attention span is just 8 seconds when encountering new brands online, but it is much lower when watching content on platforms like TikTok. One last thing that probably has the most impact is their skepticism. Gen Z distrusts traditional advertising methods and craves authenticity. They are known to value brands that build trust through genuine interactions.

The Permissioned Data Advantage of Reaching Gen Z on Their Terms

Permissioned data marketing offers a revolutionary solution. This approach bypasses ad clutter entirely, connecting brands directly with a dedicated pool of potential customers who have opted in to receive relevant information.

Here’s what sets permissioned data apart. A hugely engaged Gen Z audience: Leading permissioned data platforms boast millions of Gen Z students who have actively opted-in. This eliminates the guesswork, ensuring your message reaches a highly receptive audience.

What are the challenges of reaching Gen Z? 

Does permissioned data solve them all? Let’s dig in. Gen Z is primarily active on creative social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. These platforms offer a single, unified solution to connect with your target audience with not much permission data available to the advertiser as one would think. Advertisers are still stuck with permission issues that don’t allow them to target Gen Z and be received as well as they’d like.

The power of unlocking true Gen Z Engagement is with permissioned data marketing.  Permissioned data marketing offers a unique opportunity to connect with Gen Z on a deeper level. 

There is a lot to be gained from going deeper with your permissions. Once you have the users permission, you will automatically generate more leads compared to traditional opt-in campaigns. Once you’re all set with your privacy permissions, enjoy the benefits of high data accuracy and compliance with privacy laws. That includes super focused targeting i.e. reaching your ideal customer with pinpoint precision using a wealth of data points and all with permission.

Rise above the noise and connect with Gen Z authentically. Permissioned data marketing empowers you to connect with Gen Z authentically and build lasting customer relationships.  Consider exploring leading permissioned data platforms to unlock the true potential of this innovative marketing approach!

ScholarshipOwl for Business

One platform breaking through the permissioned data bottleneck is ScholarshipOwl for Business. This unique platform empowers your brand to connect with Gen Z authentically and build lasting customer relationships by offering a revolutionary solution: permissioned data marketing through creating and promoting scholarship campaigns. This approach cuts through the ad clutter while connecting brands directly with a dedicated pool of potential customers, 9 million of them, to be exact. 

ScholarshipOwl Gen Z Reach

Here’s what sets ScholarshipOwl for Business apart from other digital advertising platforms:

  • A network of over 9 million Gen Z students who have actively opted-in to receive scholarship opportunities and communication with the providers.
  • ScholarshipOwl for Business allows for Instant customer activation with secure user data that is swiftly exported to your CRM, allowing you to launch targeted campaigns immediately.
  • ScholarshipOwl for Business prioritizes data privacy. Their AI platform leverages 100% privacy-compliant data, allowing you to target your ideal audience with over 25 data points without compromising user trust.
  • ScholarshipOwl for Business’ permissioned data provides a deeper understanding of your target audience capturing insights such as personal information, interests, and brand preferences, enabling hyper-personalized marketing campaigns.
  • And finally, ScholarshipOwl for Business is platform agnostic. Forget juggling multiple social media channels. ScholarshipOwl grants access to a permissioned data pool across various platforms, ensuring your message reaches Gen Z where they are.

It is time to stop fighting for attention in a crowded digital space.  ScholarshipOwl for Business empowers you to connect with Gen Z authentically and build lasting customer relationships. Contact ScholarshipOwl for Business and unlock the true potential of permissioned data marketing!

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