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HomeSalesHow to Use ZoomInfo Copilot Chat to Get Results

How to Use ZoomInfo Copilot Chat to Get Results

Sellers across every industry are under intense pressure to deliver ambitious results in tightly competitive markets, and it’s much more than a passing trend.

Salesforce, for example, now requires 3X pipeline coverage for its sales teams — an increase of 50%. But it’s backing up those higher targets with support investments, a strong signal that executives view higher coverage figures as a new normal.

“They’re also adding more enablement, training, and AI resources,” sales coach Collin Cadmus says. “This means even the largest of SaaS companies are accepting that former trends and cookie-cutter growth projections no longer apply.”

Luckily, sellers of every stripe now have access to AI-powered tools that can help them excel in a challenging market. 

To help our customers maximize the impact that ZoomInfo Copilot can have on their business, we’ve researched these ready-made prompts for Copilot Chat, designed to surface the most relevant insights and recommendations for busy frontline go-to-market professionals at every stage of the account journey.

Using ZoomInfo Copilot Chat: Renewals, Upselling, and Cross-selling

Reps focused on renewal business must be able to quickly identify what’s working well for specific customers, as well as potential areas of opportunity — for both buyer and seller. In the past, reps relied on a keen understanding of their customers’ successes, use-cases, and growth goals to upsell their clients, an understanding typically deepened over time as the business relationship developed.

In today’s markets, that’s often a luxury reps can simply no longer afford. 

ZoomInfo Copilot Chat can help frontline sales teams get up to speed rapidly in a variety of scenarios. Try the following prompts as part of your prep work and get the information you need, right now. 

Prompts for researching account relationships

The first step when researching potential upsell and cross-selling opportunities is evaluating the current status of the account. 

Try these prompts as a starting point to get up to speed quickly:

  • What are the common pain points or challenges this account is facing?
  • Can you summarize the recent engagement history and communications between us and this account as outlined in the summary?
  • Based on the background information provided, what are some of the key use cases and pain points that the account is addressing by partnering with?
  • Quickly summarize why this customer bought our product or service.

Prompts for upselling and cross-selling

With some basic account research done, it’s time to ask ZoomInfo Copilot Chat to identify potential opportunities to upsell or cross-sell that customer. 

Try these prompts to surface these opportunities in your accounts:

  • What are the top three trends in buyer intent for this account?
  • Which website pages are receiving the most traffic from this account?
  • Can you provide a summary of the key insights from the latest earnings call, and how it can apply to the relationship with our company?

Data surfaced from earnings calls, 10-K filings and other financial disclosures often includes information not found elsewhere, which makes them a trove of invaluable insights into the real challenges and opportunities facing your customers. 

With the average salesperson spending less than one-third of their time actually selling, the insights revealed by features such as ZoomInfo’s Earnings Scoops give our customers a crucial competitive edge.

Advanced prompt
To explore potential upsell opportunities in even greater depth, try this advanced prompt:

  • Generate a concise outline for a presentation slide about how [Account Name] is using [Product]. Include the challenges they faced, the solutions our product provided, and the outcomes or impacts of these solutions. Format it as:
    • Challenge: [Detail the specific challenge faced by the account]
    • Solutions: [Describe how our product helped solve this challenge]
    • Impact: [Explain the benefits or results after implementing the solution]

Prompts for Mitigating Churn

Once you’ve done some basic research into the current health of an account, it may be necessary to take steps to prevent that customer from churning. 

Strategies for reducing churn risk will vary widely depending on the reason for the customer’s dissatisfaction. For example, offering more favorable contract renewal terms will do little to persuade an unhappy customer whose primary objection is product-related.

Try these prompts to dig deeper on why customers might churn and steps you can take to mitigate it:

  • What are some concerns that this company would have in an upcoming renewal conversation?
  • Is this account likely to churn and what actions can we take to prevent it?

Prompts for quick prep work

Today’s salespeople must be able to think on their feet, especially in today’s fast-paced markets.

With 85% of deals won by the first seller to engage with a prospect, responsiveness can mean the difference between a closed deal and a missed opportunity.

Visual showing that 85% of deals are won by the seller who is first to engage, per Gartner data.

When a potential deal simply won’t wait, try using the following prompts to summarize the state of play quickly and identify the most urgent action items for your next call:

  • Tell me what I need to know before hopping on a call today.
  • Write an agenda for my next 30 minute meeting with this customer.
  • Are there any upcoming deal opportunities referenced in the summary that I should be aware of?

Advanced prompts
Try this advanced prompt to thoroughly prepare for your next call in seconds:

  • Write a briefing for my upcoming meeting with [Account]. Include a summary of our last interaction, any outstanding issues or follow-ups, recent developments related to their business or industry, and potential discussion points that align with our objectives. Additionally, suggest strategic questions I should ask to engage them effectively and advance our goals.

Similarly, when meeting with customers to discuss potential upsell opportunities, use the following prompt to surface areas to summarize quickly:

  • Draft an outline for a strategic business review of [Account Name]’s application of [Product], focusing on the operational challenges they encountered, the specific functionalities of the product used to address these issues, and the measurable outcomes. Provide a succinct talk track for presenting these points effectively.

Speak Customers’ Language with ZoomInfo Copilot

It has never been more important for frontline sales and marketing professionals to be ever more productive and achieve ambitious goals in an increasingly uncertain macroeconomic environment. 

ZoomInfo Copilot cuts through the noise to identify high-value signals before your competitors. It also gives your reps a guided experience that surfaces the right actions to take, at precisely the right moment, with the right message, through the power of ZoomInfo’s sophisticated AI technology.
Try ZoomInfo Copilot today to see how the combination of ZoomInfo’s world-class data and our AI technology can help you unlock insights, engage customers, and win faster.



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