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HomePRIs Traditional Media Still Relevant in PR?

Is Traditional Media Still Relevant in PR?

As PR pros, we’re all about crafting captivating content that resonates with target audiences, fuels brand loyalty, and drives results. But reaching the right people with maximum impact? That’s where traditional media comes in.

Sure, the communication landscape has evolved with the rise of self-publishing. But established news outlets still hold immense power. They boast dedicated audiences – readers, viewers, and listeners – offering unparalleled reach beyond your own promotional efforts.

Intrigued? We dug into some of the latest research to uncover seven compelling reasons traditional media continues to profoundly influence your target audience. These insights form the foundation for our infographic – a must-see for any PR pro!

7 Reasons Traditional Media is Still Relevant in PR

Seven Ways InfographicSeven Ways Infographic1. Print media (magazine) consumption rose in 2023, and this trend should continue in 2024, according to a study by Pew Research Center (via MediaPost). Most of the growth came from home, food, and in-home readership magazines. Interestingly, MRI-Simmons reports that while more than 80% of 100+ national magazines have lower readership than they did 10 years ago, nearly 90% of those magazines have maintained or increased readership over the past two years.

2. As more of us get our news digitally, newspapers have taken the hardest hit; however, the estimated total US daily newspaper circulation (print and digital combined) in 2022 was 20.9 million. Print media is the most trusted source of news in the world at 58% (vs. online at 35%) and the gap is likely to expand as AI-generated misinformation and disinformation is spreading online. Print is still not dead and won’t be obsolete anytime soon!

3. While overall trust in the media reached its lowest depth in 2020, it is now rebounding. The specific media outlets that American adults trust vary some by political party, but large mainstream outlets have all seen strong upward swings, according a recent Morning Consult poll. More than half of US adults (55%) found nine major news outlets (ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and NPR) to be credible. Broken down by generational cohorts, millennials have the most trust (60%), Gen X and boomers come in second (55%), and to no surprise, Gen Z is last (46%) to see major outlets credible.

NOTE: While they may not be turning to so-called traditional sources of news, Gen Z are helping drive increased trust in news sources, specifically through social media and podcasts, which have both become crucial distribution channels for the media. (And keeping in mind that a lot of news on social media originated with a reporter or media outlet.)

4. Americans continue to hold local news in higher regard than national news across a variety of metrics regardless of political party affiliations, a 2022 poll from Gallup and the Knight Foundation shows. Six in 10 (62%) Americans say they have more trust in local news than national news to give them information they can use in their daily life, and nearly eight in 10 (78%) say they have more trust in local news to give them information they need to get involved in their community.

5. Half of all US adults like getting news (at least sometimes) via social media posts, according to a Pew Research Center survey. However, many Americans prefer news outlets over social for in-depth information (49%), basic facts about an issue (39%) or event (31%) as well as opinions on it (22%). And 40% of social media news consumers expressed concerns about getting news on social media that is inaccurate, low quality and politically biased.

6. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism commissioned a YouGov online poll last year and found that 73% of respondents report digitally accessing news at least once per day. While a Pew Research Center survey shows a large majority of US adults (86%) say they often or sometimes get news from a smartphone, tablet or computer, including 56% who say they do so often.

7. Saving the best for last, the newly released Nielsen Q3 2023 Total Audience Report shows over-the-air radio as the number one mass media in America, surpassing social media, online video, TV/internet-connected devices, and traditional TV. AM/FM radio is currently America’s number one mass-reach media, reaching 84% of American adults 18 and older.

Wrap up

This isn’t to say we aren’t acutely aware that the news industry continues to grapple with evolving media ecosystems, trust issues and financial troubles. There will no doubt be more hard times ahead for the media industry as they navigate change, but despite news to the contrary, it’s not all bad news.

For example, Colorado Public Radio recently laid off some staff, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be producing news. They are focusing on news content that’s adaptable to broadcast or digital subscriptions and news-based podcast products — which can all be pitched and monitored.

As professional communicators, it’s up to us to continually adjust our targets and tactics, as well as strike a balance between speed and credible, trustworthy news. Media relations (and media pitching) continue to play a critical part in executing a successful PR strategic plan — and traditional media still matters.

Content Authenticity Statement: 90% of this blog article was generated by me, a human. Generative AI was used in the intro (83/866 words) and was fact-checked and human-edited.

In addition to comprehensive media monitoring services, Burrelles offers access to an immense global database of print, online, and broadcast journalists, influencers, bloggers, and analysts, as well as press release distribution services. Contact us to learn more or to request a live demonstration.



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