Sunday, September 15, 2024
HomemarketingSome Reports Of Google August Core Update Gains Vanishing In Past 24...

Some Reports Of Google August Core Update Gains Vanishing In Past 24 Hours

Google Vanishing

I am starting to see some early reports from some site owners and SEOs that the gains they may have seen early on with the Google August 2024 core update, is slowly starting to slip away or vanish as you would… Meaning, some are noticing a surge (small relative to pre-helpful content update) increases but now some are seeing that surge slide back down.

Let me be clear, not everyone who saw the surge is seeing this reversal but some are.

It makes me wonder if these may be the reasons for the gains now reversing:

(A) Their gains were a result of the large ranking bug that was fixed four days later?

(B) This is now the second gear of the core update, so we are seeing more volatility.

(C) We don’t know how to read our charts or it was some weird blurp for some of these sites? Meaning, who knows…

(D) Or these sites did some of their own technical SEO issues and blew up or Google released something else completely unrelated to the core update at the same time?

Which is maybe why we cannot access the core update until it is over and fully done rolling out.

So what are some folks seeing?

Mark posted in the comments here that maybe he spoke too soon and shared this chart showing an increase around the 16th and then it dropping down yesterday?

Ranking Chart1

Jewish Cat (yes) posted in the comments saying, “Now my ‘gains’ that I saw 2 days back are slowly erasing away.” “Yeap, totally reversing back to where it was,” he confirmed with me. Another replied saying, “Now even the traffic is almost non-existent…”

Another said, “Yesterday I was going down, but today going up again. All in all, I am still moving up, but there is a long way to go to get back to where I was before my site was hit in Sep and March. I have worked a lot the site last 11 month, and many of my reviews are some of the best you can find, but still not in top 10, hopefully it will come.”

And here, “Okay, I’ve to recognize that something is happening. My impressions and Google-Visitors start to rise yesterday evening – until today 10 A.M. (Central European Time) Since 10. A.M the values are dropping again. Don’t know why, but something seem to happen.”

So then I asked on X, to see if others are seeing this:

Those are just some of the replies, click through to see more of the replies.

Are any of you noticing this change? Again, it is probably too soon but you know me, I like to share what people are seeing more in real-time and then recap it all when it is done…

Forum discussion at X.



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