Thursday, July 4, 2024
HomeSalesTracker for ZoomInfo Sales | The Pipeline

Tracker for ZoomInfo Sales | The Pipeline

More than ever before, people are taking control of their careers and seizing opportunities in today’s evolving business environment.

Staying ahead of personnel moves is a critical competitive advantage in every industry and economic sector, with 44% of workers in a recent survey saying they plan to look for a new employer in the next year. Whether identifying new leads and prospects, targeting specific audiences with marketing messaging, or searching for your next key hire, knowing where people are moving — and when — has never been more important.

That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of Tracker for ZoomInfo Sales.

What is Tracker?

Tracker allows you to keep tabs on specific contacts as they move from role to role, and from one company to another.

Tracking contacts as they advance in their careers couldn’t be easier. Simply identify the people you want to keep track of, and Tracker will monitor them weekly for changes to employer or job title, notifying you as soon as contact updates are detected and verified. Now sales professionals can easily preserve relationships with key contacts, decision-makers, and warm leads, minimizing reaction time and maintaining a strong competitive advantage over similar companies in their industry. 

How Can Tracker Help Me?

More people than ever before are taking control of their careers and embarking on exciting new opportunities in today’s vibrant labor market. But when contacts accept promotions or move into new roles, relationships built over weeks, months, even years can be jeopardized. And crucial sales negotiations can be disrupted. It’s vital that sales representatives, marketers, and talent acquisition professionals be able to track their champions as they progress in their careers.

Tracker is integrated seamlessly into ZoomInfo Sales software. This eliminates the need for a separate contact tracking tool, providing maximum visibility into sales pipelines and the ability to quickly act on the latest contact updates, all built on the foundation of ZoomInfo’s world-leading B2B data asset. 

By tracking key personnel moves, you can rest easy in the knowledge that the data in your CMS is as accurate as possible, and that your go-to-market motions are delivering the results you expect. 

Who is Tracker For?

Sales professionals can use Tracker to maintain established relationships with prospects, decision-makers, and sales champions to ensure continuity of those relationships and a robust sales pipeline. Being the first to act when a key contact takes on a new job can be the key to winning a deal: experts suggest that new managers should make updated spending recommendations within their first 90 days. 

Hit Your Number with Tracker for ZoomInfo Sales

It has never been more important for sales reps to maximize every competitive advantage at their disposal. By tracking contacts as they move from one role to the next, they can act swiftly to identify new champions, preserve existing relationships, and maximize the impact of their go-to-market activity to maintain a vital competitive edge.

Change happens. Make it work for you with Tracker for ZoomInfo Sales — get your free trial today.



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