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HomePRUsing Explainer Videos to Nurture Brand Recognition and Permanence

Using Explainer Videos to Nurture Brand Recognition and Permanence

Every day, countless brands compete for attention on popular digital channels, yet only a few leave a lasting mark in people’s memories. Yet it’s important to note the secret to this lasting impact isn’t solely in the messaging but also in the presentation.

After all, by creating short yet meaningful content, you can capture your audience’s attention and nurture brand recall in one fell swoop.

Often, short and snappy, engaging explainer videos have all the core attributes you need in a piece of content to help make your brand more memorable — but for that to be the case, these videos need to be more than just ‘explanatory.’

A group of people holding a presentation board. Text below image reads: Explainer videos are short, animated videos that explain a business idea in less than 90 seconds. They’re interesting and straightforward – with the help of a clear message and attractive visuals, these types of videos quickly grab the audience’s attention.A group of people holding a presentation board. Text below image reads: Explainer videos are short, animated videos that explain a business idea in less than 90 seconds. They’re interesting and straightforward – with the help of a clear message and attractive visuals, these types of videos quickly grab the audience’s attention.

When you are after brand permanence, you need explainer videos that skillfully use the correct design elements to present your message in a way that turns viewing into lasting impressions and a desire for more content.

So, in this article, I’ll explore five meaningful implementations of specific design elements in explainer videos that can be the key to pushing (and crushing) your brand permanence goals!

Custom Illustrations to Tell Your Brand Story in Unique Ways

Custom illustrations in explainer videos give you a dynamic and flexible way to effectively convey your brand’s narrative. That is, using meticulously crafted graphics to embody the essence of your brand’s message in ways that feel unmistakably yours.

However, the key to that type of illustration lies in their core design principles and how they interact with the narrative of your video.

Complex ideas, services, or products can become approachable and understandable when translated into meaningful visual assets. This clarity is crucial in explainer videos, where the goal is to educate and inform the viewer about the brand in a concise manner.

Furthermore, custom illustrations can help you encapsulate your brand’s personality!

Whether through the color scheme, the style of drawing, or the animation flow, every aspect of an illustration is an opportunity to reinforce the brand’s identity.

This consistent reinforcement through tailored visual elements helps build a stronger connection with the audience while giving you a lot of versatility to approach your content. They can be adapted to the theme and tone that would serve your brand best—whether that’s a video aiming for a professional, playful, or innovative vibe.

This adaptability ensures that the brand’s message is not only conveyed but also resonates with the intended target audience.

Brand Mascots for Emotional Attachment in Your Video

Integrating brand mascots or characters into explainer videos is a strategic approach that can significantly enhance audience engagement and emotional investment.

The key to its effectiveness lies in how the mascot embodies your brand or makes your message more approachable.

A brand mascot is a character that serves as a familiar face across your marketing strategy that viewers can relate to. A mascot can guide the viewer through whatever it is you want to convey, making the explanation more relatable and less intimidating.

Mascots can also embody the brand’s values and personality, making the brand more approachable and memorable.

When viewers see a mascot, they associate the character with the brand itself. This association builds a stronger emotional bond between the viewer and the brand, which is crucial for brand permanence.

The best bit is that the mascot doesn’t have to be a high-fidelity 3D character like in video games or animated movies. Even a simple, well-designed 2D character can serve the purpose effectively.

All in all, the success of a mascot in an explainer video hinges on its design and how well it aligns with the brand’s messaging and audience expectations. A well-crafted mascot can turn an ordinary explainer video into an engaging and memorable tale, reinforcing the brand’s message and fostering a deeper connection with the audience.

Dynamic Typography and Text Animation for Brand Recall

Typography and text animation can be crucial tools for communication and brand reinforcement in explainer videos. The choice of typography and how the text moves and appears on screen can significantly influence how viewers perceive and remember your brand’s message.

In general, explainer videos often need to convey a lot of information in a short amount of time.

Here, typography can become a key player, as the right font can make the text more readable and understandable, which is essential for quick comprehension. Then, text animation adds another layer of engagement. Animations can guide the viewer’s eye and emphasize key points, making the information more memorable.

Plus, the style of text animation can reflect the brand’s personality. A playful, bouncy text animation can inject energy into the video, generally suitable for a youthful brand, while a smooth, slow animation can evoke a sense of professionalism and trust.

It’s all thoughtfully decided beforehand in the animation production process to project the brand image you need. And while it might take some effort, the results are well worth it!

For example, animated text that appears in sync with the narration can highlight important concepts, helping them stick in the viewer’s mind. This synchronization of visual and auditory elements is particularly effective in explainer videos, where retaining viewer attention and ensuring understanding is paramount.

Versatility of 3D Elements in Explainers

Using 3D elements in explainer videos offers a dynamic and versatile way to showcase a brand’s qualities. These elements can be tailored to represent a spectrum of brand attributes, from the traditional and reliable to the innovative and futuristic.

The main reason for their effectiveness is that 3D elements bring a sense of depth and realism that some complex topics might benefit from. That approach is apt in the context of explainer videos, as more often than not, we use these videos to make abstract or complex things feel more tangible and understandable to the viewer.

For a brand emphasizing reliability and tradition, 3D elements can be designed with more grounded, realistic textures and movements, conveying a sense of stability and trustworthiness. On the other hand, for brands that want to highlight innovation or a futuristic outlook, 3D elements can be sleek, with smooth animations and a more abstract or minimalist design.

Lastly, you can also use 3D elements to create immersive environments that draw viewers into the world of the brand. Whether it’s a realistic representation of a product in use or an abstract visualization of a service, these 3D environments can make the explainer video more memorable.

Distinctive Color Gradients for Your Explainer

The use of distinctive color gradients plays a crucial role in not only capturing attention but also in evoking specific emotions and reinforcing brand identity. When used effectively in your explainers, color gradients can create a visual language that resonates with your brand’s values and message.

The strategic application of color gradients in explainer videos can set the tone and mood of the digital content strategy. For instance, a gradient that shifts from a warm orange to a vibrant red can evoke feelings of excitement and energy, ideal for brands associated with dynamism and innovation.

Conversely, a gradient that blends cool blues and greens can impart a sense of calm and trust, aligning with brands that want to emphasize reliability and serenity.

Plus, color gradients help create a visual flow in the video, guiding the viewer’s eye through the narrative. This is particularly effective where information needs to be presented clearly and engagingly. The right gradient can highlight key points or transitions in the video, making the content more digestible and memorable.

In Short

Effective design in explainer videos is key to transforming them from simple information tools to memorable brand experiences. By carefully choosing typography, text animation, and other visual elements, these videos can resonate deeply with viewers. Each design choice, from color gradients to character animations, plays a crucial role in enhancing brand recall and emotional connection.

Ultimately, it’s these thoughtful details that turn a brief viewing into a lasting impression, cementing a brand’s presence in the competitive digital landscape.

Victor BlascoVictor BlascoGuest Contributor: Victor Blasco is a digital marketing expert, Co-Founder & CEO of the explainer video company Yum Yum Videos and Yum Yum Digital.

You can connect with him on LinkedIn.

The copy and opinions expressed here belong solely to the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Burrelles, our employees, partners, or affiliates.


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