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HomeMarketing AutomationWhy cross-channel marketing matters

Why cross-channel marketing matters

In today’s digital age, customers are bombarded with messages across a multitude of channels. A whopping 73% of shoppers use multiple channels throughout their buying journey. From social media and email to search engines and offline advertising, the fight for attention is fierce. This is where cross-channel marketing comes in, offering a strategic approach to connect with your audience on their preferred platforms and guide them seamlessly through the customer journey.

What is cross-channel marketing?

Cross-channel marketing is not just about using multiple marketing channels. It’s about creating a seamless and consistent experience for your customers. You can do this by strategically utilizing various channels and ensuring that your messaging is consistent across all touchpoints.

The objective of cross-channel marketing is to interact with customers across preferred channels throughout the customer lifecycle.

As a marketer, your goal is not only to expand your marketing database and acquire new customers but also to keep the conversation going with your existing customers. Cross-channel marketing enables you to connect with them whenever and wherever they need your services.

An example of cross-channel marketing in action

Here’s a practical example of how cross-channel marketing works:

  • A potential customer sees a social media advert for your new product.
  • Intrigued, they visit your website to learn more and download a helpful guide.
  • A few days later, they receive a personalized email with a discount code for the product.
  • They then visit your physical store to make the purchase, interacting with a knowledgeable salesperson.

Keep in mind that this is just one example – the channels you use to connect with your audience will depend on your industry and the people you’re trying to reach. So don’t be afraid to get creative with the channels you use. 

Why does cross-channel marketing matter?

Cross-channel marketing is important for any marketer for several reasons:

  • Reach customers everywhere: People use different channels when they are looking for a product or service. By having a cross-channel strategy, you can reach your target audience wherever they are, maximizing your engagement and reach.
  • Personalized customer experiences: By gathering data from multiple channels, you can gain valuable insights into your customers’ preferences and tailor your marketing messages accordingly. This personalized approach helps you to build stronger relationships with your customers and increase your conversion rates.
  • Channel consistency: Cross-channel marketing ensures consistent brand messaging and visuals across all your platforms. This helps you to build trust and credibility with your audience and creates a more positive brand perception.
  • Improved brand storytelling: A unified message across channels allows you to craft a compelling brand story that resonates with your audience. This emotional connection strengthens brand loyalty and advocacy.
  • Enhanced customer journey: By using different channels strategically, you can guide customers smoothly through their buying journey. For example, social media can generate awareness, email marketing can nurture leads, and a user-friendly website can facilitate conversions.
  • Measurable results: Cross-channel marketing allows you to track customer interactions across various platforms, providing valuable data on campaign effectiveness. This data can be used to optimize your strategy and improve your return on investment (ROI).

What problems can cross-channel marketing solve?

Cross-channel marketing is a powerful strategy that can help marketers overcome challenges.

Problem 1: Information overload

With so many brands competing for customers’ attention, it can be challenging to make your voice heard. Cross-channel marketing helps by ensuring that your message reaches your target audience. By using multiple channels such as email, social media, and SMS, you can reach customers where they are and deliver your message in a way that resonates with them.

Problem 2: Disconnected customer journeys

Fragmented marketing efforts can confuse customers, leading to an inconsistent experience. Cross-channel marketing creates a smooth and unified journey by delivering a consistent message across all touchpoints. This way, customers can seamlessly move from one channel to another without feeling like they’re starting over.

Problem 3: Lack of personalization

Generic marketing is no longer effective in today’s world, where customers expect a personalized experience. Cross-channel marketing allows you to tailor your message to individual customers based on their preferences, behaviors, and interests. This fosters deeper connections and helps build long-term relationships with your customers.

What’s the future of cross-channel marketing?

Cross-channel marketing is no longer a novelty; it’s the cornerstone of successful customer engagement.  However, as technology continues to evolve, what does the future hold for cross-channel marketing? Here’s a glimpse into what we can expect.


Hyper-personalization is the future of cross-channel marketing. Brands can deliver ultra-personalized content, offers, and recommendations across every channel.

Imagine a customer browsing for hiking boots online on your retail ecommerce website. They’ve looked at rugged brands and waterproof features. Hyper-personalization goes beyond just suggesting similar boots.

Predictive analytics will analyze your customer’s past purchases (think climbing gear or outdoor apparel) and weather data for their location (predicting upcoming rain). They might then receive a real-time live chat message from a virtual assistant offering a personalized discount on those specific boots, along with high-traction socks based on their browsing behavior.

Customer experience and data platforms (CXDPs) like Dotdigital will play a significant role in unifying data from various sources such as behavioral, demographic, and transactional information. This comprehensive data pool will fuel powerful marketing automation tools, enabling brands to personalize their marketing efforts to a greater extent.

The rise of voice search and live chat 

Voice search and live chat are rapidly gaining traction. As these technologies become more integrated into our daily lives, brands will need to adapt their cross-channel strategies accordingly. Optimizing content for voice search will be crucial, and chatbots can become valuable tools for personalized customer support and product recommendations.

The focus on customer privacy

The focus on customer privacy is another key aspect of future cross-channel marketing.

The landscape is evolving in two key ways: the demise of third-party cookies and the rise of Mail Privacy Protection (MPP).

Traditionally, online marketing relied heavily on third-party cookies. These cookies tracked user behavior across websites, allowing for highly targeted ads. However, this raised significant privacy concerns. With major browsers like Chrome phasing out third-party cookies, marketers need to find new ways to personalize experiences without compromising user privacy.

Another challenge comes from Mail Privacy Protection (MPP). MPP is a feature in email providers like Apple Mail that limits the ability to track email opens and clicks. This makes it harder to gauge the effectiveness of email campaigns based on traditional metrics.

In this new environment, the focus needs to shift towards first-party data – information collected directly from customers with their consent. This could include website behavior, purchase history, and preferences explicitly shared through surveys or sign-up forms. Building trust with customers is crucial. Transparency about data collection and offering clear opt-in options will be essential for building strong relationships and gathering valuable first-party data.

By embracing these trends, marketers can unlock the true potential of cross-channel marketing in the years to come. The ability to deliver personalized, seamless, and privacy-conscious customer experiences across all touchpoints will be the key to building lasting brand loyalty and achieving sustainable business growth.

Get ready to take your marketing to the next level

The future of marketing is all about creating connected and personalized customer experiences. By adopting a cross-channel marketing approach, you can ensure your message reaches your target audience on their preferred platforms, fostering deeper connections and guiding them seamlessly through the buyer’s journey. 

As technology continues to evolve, stay ahead of the curve by embracing trends like hyper-personalization, voice search, and live chat, all while prioritizing customer privacy. By delivering exceptional customer experiences across all touchpoints, you can build lasting brand loyalty and achieve sustainable business growth in the years to come.



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