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HomeSalesZoomInfo: The Future of Modern Go-to-Market Software

ZoomInfo: The Future of Modern Go-to-Market Software

We work in a time of profound disruption. The typical pressures of running a successful business are amplified by massive shifts in the economy, the political landscape, and society at large.

As organizations navigate these headwinds, they must do more with less. The old ways of selling through high-volume cold-calling, mass email outreach, and poorly targeted messaging simply aren’t enough. Businesses expect more, and so do their customers. 

To thrive in this era, business leaders need actionable insights into new opportunities and emerging markets. They need reliable data and maximum visibility into the opportunities that can translate into a competitive edge in their industries. They need to know that every investment dollar is working as hard as they are. And they need the ability to automate workstreams in order to grow their businesses at scale.

In the past, sales was driven by relationships. The last significant innovation in sales was the introduction of Salesforce and cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) systems in the late ‘90s. However, while early CRMs gave sales and marketing professionals a system of record, today’s go-to-market teams need a system of insight. Today, sales is driven by insights derived from data. Insight-driven sales is the way forward, and companies who act decisively on the most accurate data are the ones who will succeed. 

The Modern Revenue System

Through a consistent drumbeat of innovation and product improvements, ZoomInfo has evolved from being a reliable source of data to an all-encompassing suite of sophisticated software that gives modern businesses unprecedented insights into new opportunities. A fast-growing roster of sales, marketing, operations, and recruitment teams is using our platform to maximize their growth potential and help their organizations thrive. 

ZoomInfo offers a new unified login and app administration experience. Now, ZoomInfo customers can access all ZoomInfo products and services using a single login identity. Go-to-market teams can access a wealth of information, including company data, contact data, technographics, website visitor identification, workflows, sales automations, website chat, and conversational intelligence — all from a single, integrated system.

All apps and tools within ZoomInfo are launched and managed from a single unified dashboard, giving users at-a-glance information regarding their campaigns. Users can switch between applications effortlessly via waffle navigation, allowing for seamless workflows between ZoomInfo applications.

It’s no longer enough for sales and marketing teams to work in silos or in isolation from the rest of their organizations. If companies hope to succeed in today’s challenging business environment, they need every advantage at their disposal, and ZoomInfo’s approach to go-to-market intelligence provides a unified system of data, insights, software, and integrations that creates complete visibility and access to the contacts and companies in their total addressable market

At the heart of ZoomInfo lies ZoomInfo’s Data Cloud. ZoomInfo has the richest, most accurate B2B data asset in the industry, and this data underpins the entirety of the ZoomInfo platform. 

Drawing upon tens of billions of data points, our algorithms and machine-learning technologies ensure that ZoomInfo customers have the most complete information for their go-to-market motions. This foundational data allows sales and marketing professionals to ensure their messaging is connecting with the right people at the right time, maximizing their go-to-market investment. 

The Four Pillars of ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo comprises four primary product pillars that work together to provide organizations with essential insights into their current markets, emerging opportunities, and competitive activity.

ZoomInfo Sales

ZoomInfo Sales is the modern go-to-market platform for B2B sales teams. ZoomInfo has the largest, most comprehensive, and most frequently refreshed database of insights, intelligence, and purchasing intent data about companies and contacts. 

We layer additional tools on top of that intelligence to help you better engage with prospects and customers. Chorus provides real-time conversational analytics, Engage offers robust sales engagement capabilities, and ZoomInfo Operations enables sophisticated data orchestrations. By seamlessly integrating all of these tools into one platform, your go-to-market teams become smarter and more effective at closing deals and hitting their number.

ZoomInfo Marketing

Attention is an increasingly precious commodity, which means marketing professionals must act decisively to reach the right audiences with the right messages at the right time.

Officially launching today, ZoomInfo Marketing is ZoomInfo’s new account-based marketing platform designed to give marketers new ways to reach target accounts and drive qualified leads for sales.

While building this product, we heard over and over again that the data used in most account-based marketing platforms was both inaccurate and incomplete, causing marketers to pour advertising dollars into the wrong companies and deliver leads that were useless to sales teams. That’s because today’s ABM platforms are all designed to leverage data that exists within an individual company’s CRM. So we built ZoomInfo Marketing the same way we build every application: with our best-in-class data as the foundation. ZoomInfo Marketing allows teams to identify and prioritize their best audience based on fit, intent, and engagement, and engage buyers when they’re most likely to convert — through display and social advertising, hyper-targeted campaigns, and on their company’s website through chat and onsite conversion tools. Marketers can build, cleanse and manage their database to identify and prioritize best-fit audiences using intent, engagement and website visitor data. 

Crucially, ZoomInfo Marketing lets marketing teams work from a common data foundation. Only 39% of sales and marketing teams share buyer signals, and half say it’s because their sales and marketing systems don’t integrate. The shared data foundation of ZoomInfo Sales and ZoomInfo Marketing tightens key hand-offs and unlocks true marketing and sales alignment, eliminating conflicting records, wasted effort, and missed opportunities. 

ZoomInfo Talent

Competition for the best people has never been more intense, which means hiring managers need new tools to help them navigate today’s increasingly competitive hiring market. 

ZoomInfo Talent helps talent acquisition professionals and hiring managers identify, engage, and recruit top candidates using flexible, customizable recruitment workflows. Combining candidate contact information with rich intent data, ZoomInfo Talent allows hiring managers to connect top-quality candidates with relevant vacancies when they are most likely to listen. This can significantly reduce time-to-hire, allowing recruiters to move quickly and secure the best people for their open roles.

ZoomInfo Operations

ZoomInfo Operations gives ops teams access to powerful data-as-a-service (DaaS) tools. Data managers can match, unify, dedupe, normalize, cleanse, enrich, score, and route data through ZoomInfo Operations’ data orchestration software. Data operations teams can manage their enterprise data via ZoomInfo Operations, which empowers them to rapidly build pipeline at scale, find relevant companies and contacts in seconds through AI-driven prospecting tools, and identify companies actively pursuing relevant products and services via real-time intent data.

ZoomInfo Operations also gives data teams access to foundational company and contact data, as well as insight data that can be accessed via API, webhooks, and cloud-based data warehouses. 

An Exciting New Brand Identity

Each pillar of ZoomInfo has been rebranded with new logos, color palettes, styles, and a unified in-app experience to create a singular, cohesive go-to-market solution that spans the entire suite of ZoomInfo products.

This exciting rebrand doesn’t just look better — it feels better. Redesigned data dashboards and reporting tools offer a faster, more responsive experience that allows your sales, marketing, and recruitment teams to visually demonstrate ROI and how their work aligns with broader organizational objectives. 

What ZoomInfo Means for Today’s Businesses

Many SaaS products on the market today are solutions in search of problems. This top-down approach to product development is what creates the “empty box” problem in customer relationship management (CRM) software — companies license a CRM, at which point sales and marketing teams are then tasked with filling those boxes with leads and, ultimately, revenue.

We believe there’s a better way.

ZoomInfo was built from the ground up around the most comprehensive B2B data in the world. That data is enabled by our growing suite of orchestration and engagement tools, which allow our users to manage their data and incorporate it seamlessly with workflow tools. 

Insight-driven selling enables sales professionals to use data and automation to pinpoint their ideal customer and connect with them at precisely targeted moments, based on up-to-the-minute intent data that signals they’re ready to invest.

If data is the lifeblood of the modern sales organization, then go-to-market teams must have the technology to act upon that data. ZoomInfo’s unified data tech stack gives sales, marketing, operations, and recruiting teams a single source of truth from which to launch their campaigns and go-to-market motions, simplifying internal workflows, reducing costs, and maximizing interoperability between teams.

This is the next chapter in ZoomInfo’s journey as the world’s leading go-to-market platform.



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